Embed 'Best Experience' notice not going away

I have a stie setup for my team so that all of our streams are visible in one place. The main stream is the team’s channel, while the team members individual channels are embedded below of Interactive Frames w/o chat.

The issue is that I’ve seen the “for the best experience” message pop up on the streams w/o chat and count down from 30 to 0 and then the message DOES NOT clear, and just re-starts the 30 second count down maintaining the “best experience” splash page. I witnessed this happen multiple times during a two-hour stream.

Is this the intended behavior?

I created the site because on Twitch wasn’t the best experience because not everyone has access to the Squad Stream features, and now is only making both experiences worse.

Please see this “master thread” on this

Thank you, I’ve seen and reviewed that. I added too much opinion in my original post, but the raw question is:
Is this the expected behavior? That the message counts down from 30 only to not clear the message and restart the count down? If so, why have the countdown?

Sounds like a bug. When the clock ends it should return to the stream.

But it may also be inteferred with by any client side extensions interferring with the clock (such as ad, script or privacy blockers).

Thanks. I’ll try and get a video of it to post as a bug. Was just running base MS Edge and not using any ad/privacy blockers outside of standard browser.

To confirm Barry’s comments, the restarting countdown is a bug to be addressed and the engineering team is aware. :+1:

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