Get Ingest Server List

Hi guys,

I am the developer of the KVYcamBgr app that allows my users to stream videos to Twitch servers.
I received a message that my Twitch client is not compatible with the new API. So I want to fix this.

For the Twitch connection I used this url:


stream-key: the user finds this setting in the Creator Dashboard of their page.

To get a list of servers (ingest-server), my app generates a request consisting of the following components:

  • URL format: https: // client_id = …, where client_id is the Twitch ID of my application.
  • http header: Accept: application / vnd.twitchtv.v5 + json.

After receiving the list of servers, the user starts streaming videos on Twitch. I am not using other services from the v5 API.

I see there is a problem getting the Ingest Server list. Because the Twitch API Migration Guide doesn’t show me how to do it in the new API.

Can anyone suggest how to do this for the new API?

Viktor Kulichkin

The new API you are looking for is here

No Authentication/ClientID required for this.

Just HTTP Get

The new API works for me.

Thank you for help,


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