Is Twitch powerful enough to support interactive clicks on the streaming video?

Hey there fellows,

I’m currently working on my Bachelor Thesis and I developed a App called “CrowdChess”, enabling to play chess as a team against an AI. Since all the interaction comes from the IRC through whispering commands (like moves), it would be optimal to make it more interactive and more entertaining by allowing the players to click in the stream and moving the chess pieces like this. Is there any way, that Twitch is powerful enough to support such a feature (maybe iFrames, Stream-Overlays, Extensions)?
I have been looking around for some time now, but to me it doesn’t look like it, that is possible. Maybe you know more, and can let me know!

Thanks a lot!

Here is Screenshot of the UI, so that you can imagine what I’m talking about :grinning:

Take a look at video-overlay extensions. It will allow people to click on the player itself and have you detect the position of those clicks.

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@3ventic Thanks for the fast reply. Are you sure about that? I checked that source, it says nothing about the position of clicks in de Doc :frowning:

Here’s a clip of an extension showing a heat map of people’s clicks on the player. It’s often demoed as an example of something Extensions allow you to do.

Are you sure about that? I checked that source, it says nothing about the position of clicks in de Doc

If I’m not wrong you just built it with HTML/JS/CSS, bind the events to the different DOM elements (onclick/ondrag) etc. Then it’s put above the video feed for the viewer to interact with. Good luck.

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