Making substantial changes to next version of my extension, how do I inform streamers?

I’m currently live with an extension that requires a complimentary desktop application. In my next version I plan to do away with the desktop app completely and be 100% web based. The problem I foresee with this update is that it will effectively stop being functional for streamers who are using the extension version that leverages a desktop app.

My question is, how are you guys informing your existing users on these changes? Is there a way to contact users who have the extension installed notifying them of this change?

Most of mine are on my discord for support. So I notify them there. You can push an update to your desktop app with a notification of upcoming changes. There is no like integrated twitch contact for it though. You can also put notifications on the extension view that says nicely that it’s improperly configured and contact support kinda thing too. Whatever works best for your situation.