"Module Disabled" on Extensions Dashboard

I was just going into the developer dashboard of my extension and get a “Module Disabled” message:

We’re sorry, but this module is currently disabled. Please contact a site admin if this has been done in error. Site admins can enable modules under Site Configuration - General Settings in the Control Panel.

Does anybody know what this is about?

I found an issue in my extension after the latest version went live and need to update it ASAP. It’s a caching issue that leads to content leak when watching 2 different streamers with my extension active.

Extensions are currently under going maintenance. There is a write-lock enabled. This should be lifted shortly.

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Ah thanks!

The message on the extension dashboard should maybe communicate that there’s a maintenance going on :wink:

Yep. that was a mistake on our side. The banner with information got lost during a code revert. It will be there whenever we have to do another maintenance window.

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