Newbie: Where to start? Looking to create Points System


I am looking to create my own points system that is integrated within my website, I am not really fussed how long it takes me to make, I just like to learn and create things myself if I can, But I am a little confused where to start? Could someone point me in the right direction of some recommended reading?




This seems like a full end to end project. You will need to design, develop and test the system. Where to start will depend on how much background you have in coding and starting your own applications.

If you are planning to create a website to manage a points system for Twitch. You will need some idea of the following before you start:

  • Host/Domain for your website. Where are you going to host the website?
  • Which programming languages you will use? HTML, Javascript, PHP, Node.JS?
  • A design pattern you will use?
  • How will your back end talk to the front end?
  • Where will you store the points?

What kinda features and such are you looking for?

Step 1: make a basic chat bot that can recognize and respond to commands and parse chat api responses
Step 2: create a basic backend (database, looking at you)
Step 3: web UI (because everyone loves a web dashboard)
Step 4: test, debug, improve, polish (wash, rinse, repeat until you’re satisfied)

That sounds much easier than it really is. You will need a solid plan with a good road map of things you want to accomplish. You will need to know html/css/JavaScript for the web UI, be familiar with how irc chat (twitch chat is a customized implementation of irc) and websockets work. And you’ll need a good server side scripting language under your belt to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

Also, here’s the link for the chat api docs:

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