Oauth periodically reset

I have an problem.
I have bot and login via standart method, login + oauth token
Oauth token i generate via my own site with this scopes:chat_login channel_editor force_verify=true
And i have weird thing, periodically some bots (i have more then 20 twitch different bots) lose login.
Oauth token just still becomes not valid and bot stop working.
So i think twitch just drop this token.
Or maybe i doing something wrong?
Pls help me and ask me for other info, if you want.
It’s very anoying thing for me, because i can’t monitor 20 bots every day

Are you refreshing the tokens before they expire? if not you need to read the docs on how to refresh the tokens https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/authentication/#refreshing-access-tokens

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