oauth_token still valid after application de-authorization

Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but tokens don’t seem to be invalidated after revoking application access in the connections settings.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set up an application
  2. Send user to authorize link with ‘user_read’ scope
  3. POST returned code to /oauth/token, save access_token
  4. Check access_token works by viewing /kraken/user?oauth_token=[token]
  5. Revoke access to application in connections settings for authorized user
  6. Repeat step 4. Results should roughly match.

I was thinking step 6 would have returned some sort of unauthorized result, but it seems to still return the same users info as it did before revoking access.

Also, repeating steps 2 to 6 allows all of the authorized tokens to work, even previous tokens after re-authorizing an application.

I can confirm this occurs for me. This is also a regression from a month ago, since this was fixed™ already.

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