Unable to delete extension - graphql error

GraphQL error when attempting to delete an unpublished extension: DevDeleteExtension: ‘service error’

When attempting to create a new project using the Twitch Developer Rig (mac) the project is created but the user is never redirected to step 2. Retrying the form submission gives the error that the project name already exists (it does, because it was created).

So now I have 5 extensions and I want to delete the duplicates, but can’t.

Also, I still can’t get past the creation step using the Twitch Developer Rig. I had to go the dashboard in the browser to view the extensions being created by the form via the rig.

Do the Extensions you’re trying to delete have at least 1 version? You can’t deleted Extensions that don’t have a version, which is a common error if trying to delete an Extension that was just created.

Also it should be noted that deleting an Extension does not free up the name to be used again, so I suggest you don’t need any Extensions with a name that you actually wish to use.

There is a few fun issues in the rig wizard.

So create/complete the wizard via the dev console and impot to the rig instead.